Available Commands


Clear the canvas, move the pen to the center, and reset all styles.


Erase everything on the canvas.


Move the pen to the center of the canvas, and point the pen direction up.


Pick the pen up off of the canvas.


Place the pen down on the canvas.

lt degrees

Turn the pen direction to the left by the specified degrees.

rt degrees

Turn the pen direction to the right by the specified degrees.

fd distance

Move the pen forward by the given distance.

bk distance

Move the pen backwards by the given distance.

size diameter

Set the size of the pen to be used.

stroke color

Set the color of the pen stroke.

salpha opacity

Set the opacity of the pen stroke (0 to 1).

fill color

Set the color of the fill to be used when drawing shapes.

falpha opacity

Set the opacity of the shape fills (0 to 1).

bg color

Fill the background with a color.

rect x y width height

Draws a rectangle, starting at (x, y) of size width and height.

re iterations [ statement ]

Repeat the statement inside of the brackets iterations times.

rand minimum maximum

Generate a random number between minimum and maximum.